So I'm into this thing for a bit of cash, but i consider it an investment in the future considering how long the switches last. I got a Pok3r for €140 and then a set of
Overcast DSA keycaps in white alphas/blumods with orange 1337 keys. This was about a hundred dollars. Plus I got some keycaps printed with the logo of the agency I work for. I had all these shipped to an address in the states because the shipping to Germany was outrageous. I'll post some pics when I swap the keycaps. I'm waiting to buy any more keycaps to see how I like the DSA profile. There are different profiles, but DSA is pretty middle of the road so I'll try it before I invest in a profile that is more for typing. Oh and I also spent $20 on a wooden wrist rest that is custom made to fit a 60% board.
I only use it at work because I bought it to make the volumes of shizz I produce a lot easier to do and feel better on my hands and wrists. I have it paired with a stylish (imho)
Elecom Nendo Kasane mouse. Gotta want to sit and type all day every day.
Currently not really playing video games, aside from mobile sessions on Alto on the tram. I mostly play trucks with my kid. He goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and we move stuffed animals around in the trucks. Fun shit. But like I said, these keyboards are durable. The Pok3r has an aluminum body with no little feet to flap out and snap off. When I build my Doom 4 system, you can bet your ass I'll dedicate a layer of programming to pwning bishez Doom 3 style.